A review by skylarkblue1
Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor by Xiran Jay Zhao


Trigger warnings: Anti-chinese racism, islamophobia, death of a loved one, kidnapping, manipulation and gaslighting, out of body experiences, murder, death, mentions of (real world) genocide.

This book is purely chaos and I love it. I just need more of this. Can mythrealm be real? Can we have an official video game for this? Can I make a fan game? I'll probably make a fan game...

Goddamn though. This is just SO good. I can't fully express with words how I felt about this book. It's goddamn side splittingly hillarious, it's depressing, it's thought provoking, it's shocking. But the best part about it is the tone shifts didn't feel strange or out of place. It knows how to pace them so well.

The chapter names and character bios are the best part though I will never not think about that one scene described as a Tom and Jerry episode now no matter how much the book screams at me not too haha!

I don't want to go too much into the story just because I think even just saying the bio is too much. Start reading it, there's barely any lead up before it throws you right into "what the fuck is happening" chaos mode, and you won't be able to stop reading it.

The ending was a very typical anime style ending, which normally would annoy me in a book, such an obvious set up for the next book, but with how this book is written so much like an anime it just fits.

Xiran I love you but I also need that next book ASAP. I will supply you with infinate cat treats to distract the cats and French revolution memes for your breaks if needed.