A review by readermeginco
We Loved It All: A Memory of Life by Lydia Millet


This book is SO good! It's probably best described as a book of essays, but they're more personal than that. Millet weaves together stories around conservation issues, childhood, and motherhood. Because I am not a mother, I thought the motherhood angle might put me off (it usually does), but it didn't at all - in fact, just the opposite, really, because of the way she melds the reminiscences of her childhood with stories of her own children. If anything, this book helped me appreciate motherhood in a way I never have. The closest comparison I can make about her conservation writing is Terry Tempest Williams because its deeply personal as Terry's is. As a fan of her fiction, I also loved her writing about herself as a writer. So, it's essays, it's memoir, it's environmental writing, and it's beautifully, brilliantly written. Wow.