A review by larissalee
Revolutionary Witchcraft: A Guide to Magical Activism by Sarah Lyons


The premise of this book is set from the start, that activism is a form of magical action. If magic is about directing power (energy) toward a goal, so is politics. There aren't necessarily as different as you might think. That said, this book is clearly for direct and physical activism, rather than magical works. If you're looking for a way to merge action with magic, then you'll find it.

There are interesting thoughts like localizing your craft, but nothing is really approached with depth. This book isn't about witchcraft so much as it's about finding a spiritual tie-in between activism and witchcraft. The pieces I enjoyed are all available with more depth in other books, and the rest is just a really big protester pep talk with witchy sprinkles. So if you're looking for spells and rituals for workings toward magical resistance, this isn't the book for you.