A review by the_bookubus
The Lifeguard by Richie Tankersley Cusick


This story is about Kelsey who travels with her mum to an island for the summer to stay with her mum's boyfriend, his daughter and two sons. On arrival they find out that his daughter has gone missing.

We also learn that there have been some mysterious drownings recently despite all the beaches being manned by lifeguards. I suspected every character at some point, including the actual killer, but I was still surprised at the reveal. There are also a couple of sections written from the killer's perspective which I thought were really interesting.

Seeing as I haven't read this in a good 20-odd years I was very pleasantly surprised to find this so engaging and enjoyable! Cusick is a great writer and I really enjoyed her storytelling. Sure, it's a bit cheesy and dated but it is 90s YA so I think that's to be expected!