A review by kimchi84
The Watcher of the Night Sky by Rachel Pudsey


What can I say about this? It had me at the front cover, it’s just so damn beautiful, and still had me at the end and wanting more! This book was constantly on the go and I loved it! You never knew what was going to happen next and towards the end I was on the edge of my seat, wishing the book wasn’t going to end. But unfortunately end it did (until Book 2 obviously).
Abigail comes across as your typical tomboy that likes girly things except for boys and romance! I was very surprised when she made her wish. But I suppose all girls wish for love at some point in their lives. I quite liked Abigail as I could relate to her more. I was pretty much the same as her growing up, but I didn’t like the girly things too much. But I was/am definitely a tomboy!
Out of all her “suitors” I think I definitely preferred Clay, Cillian I hated and may of muttered under breath at him and his chauvinistic ways, he really hit some nerves with me and pissed me off! The Princes, well… I just wanted to bang their heads together. The other 3 were just there and rounded off all the suitors quite nicely. I loved the way they all had very different personalities (granted I really wanted to hurt some of them) but it’s what has made the book pretty damn awesome.
I honestly felt for Abigail’s dad when he was trying to tell her something but kept getting interrupted or her mother kept getting in the way. He tried so hard bless him.
One thing that did have me guessing, what world were we in? I thought we were just in a small village here in the UK or somewhere, but I don’t think we were and would love this clarified.
I have given this book an honest 4/5 rating, I’m really looking forward to Book 2!