A review by cr4nkyp4nts
If the Shoe Fits by E.J. Noyes


4.5 rounded up

Once again, E. J. Noyes solidifies her spot on my list of go-to authors. Yes, I realize this book came out in 2019 and it is now 2024. You know I'm not the queen of timely ARC reviews so this should come as no shock to you. At all. I think what happened is I requested the book after reading the blurb and then once it was in my ereader and I scrolled through my ARCs, the cover didn't appeal to me so I kept on moving. I guess I was finally ready. I think it helps that Noyes is now a favorite of mine and I was ready for more of her style.

If the Shoe Fits focuses on Jana and Brooke and the story comes solely from Jana (Yah-nah). I tend to enjoy dual perspective romance novels but I have to admit that Noyes is absolutely fabulous at providing enough detail that I don't really miss that second POV. In this particular book, we're really looking at two couples because Sabine and Rebecca figure heavily in the story. Which, by the way, has me wanting to read the second and third book in the Ask, Tell series.

I loved the pace of the development of Jana and Brooke's relationship. A lovely friends-to-lovers story with some good angst to keep my emotions on edge. And plenty of good lovin', too. Much of If the Shoe Fits deals with being in the closet which was sort of surprising to me while reading. I didn't expect it. Of course, I've not read the blurb since I requested the book - back in 2019... So maybe that's part of what I should have known. Either way, the fear and insecurity expressed about coming out felt genuine. And frustrating. But that's how real life is.

If you haven't yet read If the Shoe Fits, let this be your reminder. It's a lovely story of love, family, and finding happiness.

Thanks to Bella Books and NetGalley for the lovely book and for bearing with me as I work on my backlog of ARCs.