A review by antlersantlers
Great Showdowns: The Revenge by Scott Campbell


Love Scott C.! I requested this title after Katharina featured it in one of her "YA new & cool" presentations in a youth services meeting, but I don't really think it's a YA title. There's little to no text and I think this would be enjoyed more by adults. I think teens might like it, but I really think it would circ better in the adult section. This type of book definitely isn't for everyone; it's pretty "inside baseball" with pop culture. If that's the kind of thing you like (and it is 100% the kind of thing I like), it's a blast.

I was really pleased that I got/deciphered/understood about 80% of these. There's no text so it's kind of like visual puzzle trivia. I love the illustration style, and I really really really want him to do another picture book because [b:Hug Machine|18510237|Hug Machine|Scott Campbell|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1410170229s/18510237.jpg|26204134] was one of my favorites from the past couple years.

I hope I can convince the library to buy the other two Great Showdown books! But I can always just read the tumblr too.