A review by faithfullygeeky
So We Can Glow: Stories by Leesa Cross-Smith

"'What a relief not to be scared to death of you, here alone,' I'd tell you. 'That's why the only men I give my heart to live in my TV."

Leesa Cross-Smith's SO WE CAN GLOW is a collection of 42 stories around the concept of female desire. No matter how short the vignette, the reader is immediately pulled into the lives of these women or the emotions of the situation. Cross-Smith is a masterful storyteller, managing in even one sentence what many of us can only dream of achieving in pages of work. My personal favorite story was Girlheart Cake with Glitter Frosting, which is a list of "possible ingredients" ranging from experiences to song titles and everything in between. With that one list that had me stopping to yell "Yes!" in the middle of the living room, she won me over and I will pick up everything she writes in the future.

Thank you to Grand Central for sending me a copy of this book for review.

Content Warnings for miscarriage, cheating, and general explicit sexual content.