A review by ellesea
Totally His by Erin Nicholas


I'm surprised to find out Totally His is the third book in The Opposites Attract series by Erin Nicholas because, how have I managed to miss the other books (so far)?

Sophie Birch has spent her entire life trying to get people to love her, so as an adult, she doesn't always keep up the façade. When a fire begins at the theatre she inherited from her namesake grandmother, she's desperate to get back into the burning building to retrieve something that means a lot to a person she's become close to. Only an arrogant police officer hauls her out...rescues her leaving a lasting impression on her.

When Finn Kelly sees a scantily clad woman in pink underwear running back into the burning theatre rather than to escape it, he rushes over to locate and evacuate her from danger. Only carrying the reluctant, half-naked woman stirs up far more emotions than merely doing his job to protect her from harm way.

Finn is an archetypal gruff cop but underneath that testosterone-fuelled exterior is a caring and compassionate man. He's met his match when he encounters Sophie Birch, who he recognises as a feisty woman and more than a handful-pun intended. Their attraction is instant, but it's external influences that affect their chances of even having a relationship. Yet, once everything is out in the open, their path to a happy ever after is inevitable.

I read this as a standalone and it works perfectly. The protagonists from the previous books are secondary characters in Totally His and their presence adds depth to the narrative rather leaving the reader feeling they are missing something. The author's writing kept my attention always even when scenes that made me feel uncomfortable. There's nothing wrong with that as her narrative is doing exactly as I expect from a writer...eliciting an emotional reaction from a reader.

Overall, an entertaining novel from a new to me author; one I'll be reading again soon because of her other books in this series.

***arc generously received courtesy of Forever via NetGalley***