A review by bibliophile90
Crux Untamed by Tillie Cole


**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


4.5 stars

"From the minute we met you, I could see in you what I see in him every day... loneliness."

I love the Hades Hangmen series. It is so much more than just a Biker/Dark Romance. I have read many books in these genres, but Tillie Cole is one of the few authors that can elevate her stories to a higher level. She is also one of the few authors whose book blurbs I don't have to read to decide if I want to read the book. After all the amazing previous books in this series, I had very high expectations for Crux Untamed. The fact that it was a Menage (MFM), had me even more excited. I didn't doubt for a second that Tillie would come up with a great story for Hush, Cowboy and Sia.

"I realized that I'd wanted this. Wanted Hush as much as I wanted Cowboy since the first time I met them. It didn't make sense. Nothing about this made sense, about how we three meshed and melded into one organic whole."

While Cowboy was free spirited, Hush was very closed off and didn't let anyone besides Cowboy really into his life. Sia was strong and wanted to show to the world she was doing okay. However, these three were broken, two more than the other. I couldn't contain my tears when I read where Hush came from and what he had been through in the past. It was so heartbreaking and made me very angry. Sia, also didn't have the easiest past and was still trying to find a way to fully move on from the horrific events she'd been through. Cowboy, was a very important factor in having these two broken individuals come together and see that they weren't that different from one another. I loved these three together so much. It was just the perfect balance of personalities, and they completed each other.

"Four hands to touch me, four arms to hold me... two hearts to make love to me and chase away the dark."

Like in every Hades Hangmen book you'll get enough action, HOT sex scenes (VERY hot), and very emotional moments that will have you crying. Crux Untamed is another amazing addition to one of my favorite series, and I am really looking forward to what Tillie has in store for us next with Darkness Embraced which is Tanner's Story. The only reason I didn't give this book a full 5 star is because I felt like Cowboy sometimes didn't play as an important role as Hush and Sia, and I wanted to shake Hush and tell him that he is amazing and deserves all the best in the world. Lovers of this series will not be disappointed with this book!