A review by raven168
Black Moon Draw by Lizzy Ford


I loved this book. It was just so much fun to read and the characters were great. Having a real life girl get sucked into the pages of fictional book, where she doesn't know the rules and things are so different than anything she's ever known, was great because it made the interactions that much more entertaining. There was so much about Naia that is just like me that I'm actually a little jealous she got what I've been wishing for. Being able to escape her boring life by being thrown into an adventure and to find a greater purpose to her life. Of course, you can't forget how she found her love...

Naia is a wallflower that doesn't stand out and prefers her books to the real world. Oh, how familiar. Having been dumped by her fiance days before their wedding because he had another woman, Naia is definitely depressed. So she gets drunk and ends up waking in the world of an unfinished book she had been reading on wattpad by one of her favorite authors. Tired of always being put down and simply never good enough for anyone, it's in this world that she decides she wants to start over and be more than she had ever been in her life. But that's easier said than done. Fueling this desire, in part, is the Shadow Knight. One of the best alphas I have read about in a while. He demands complete obedience by all and has a very interesting sense of humor that I loved. He's a brute but also loyal and respectable. He claims Naia as his battle witch as was foretold a thousand years ago because she will be the last and he needs her. The Shadow Knight is on a mission to take back every land from every other Knight on that world because they were originally one and belonged to his family. Should he fail to do so by a certain time the curse that has plagued his lands will destroy that world. Naia is key to this but it's so hard for her to believe. After all, she's a terrible battle witch and any magic she has is inconsistent. Plus she's still fighting herself over whether any of this is real, she was dragged into a book after all. But she is starting to believe in herself more and more as she spends time with the Shadow Knight. Which is a good thing, because it's all up to her to save everybody, make it real and get her happily ever after.

Most of the characters here were interesting (which along with Naia, one can't help but try to figure out their role in the story) and the world created was fascinating. From the animal heads that the Shadow Knight's army wore (thank gawd they did come off!) to the power knowing a name can have. We're surrounded by beautiful lands, encounter freaky bug traps and escape from dungeons hanging from the skies. We are thrown into bloody fights and Naia is literally thrown from a tree. I smiled so much during this book and laughed all the time. I had a hard time putting it down as well. I loved it and am curious as to if I would enjoy the author's other works as well...