A review by naddie_reads
Fatherhood: Vintage Minis by Don Bartlett, Karl Ove Knausgård, Karl Ove Knausgård


Since I've been reading a fair number of nonfiction that deals with motherhood lately, I thought it'd be 'fair' to give fatherhood a read as well. And yeah this is pretty much in the same vein as Cusk's A Life's Work: On Becoming a Mother in terms of their observations, and I do like Knausgard's writing. 

Kudos to him for baring his insecurities and thoughts re: fatherhood in such an honest way, though that doesn't mean I have to like them lol. This started off really strong but by the end of this, I don't know if I want to read any of his other works, to be honest. (A related aside: Why do all men need to describe women in their writing in such exacting details, and they're almost always focused on certain parts of a woman's body, ugh. Seriously, are all men just wired to take a look at a woman and assess them for their 'womanly' potential? Because if so, I'm glad I'm a woman, our relative non-privileges and disadvantages notwithstanding.)