A review by ntbarrin
No More Words by Kerry Lonsdale


I found this book frustrating for a few reasons.
1. The author's overuse of Similes, there was one just about every page. About half way through the book I started laughing every time one appeared. In addition to the quantity of similes they were BAD!
2. Spoiler here: The ending; So, Lily/Jenna goes missing for several days leaving her kid who has had. TBI and when they reunite it is SO anticlimactic and it seemed to me like she was just having a little lover rendezvous with her kid's dad (Umm..what??)
3.Olivia was a complete narcissist I mean the flashbacks to childhood, clearly her parents were CRUEL to Lily, how did she not pick up on that? Way to into herself.
4.Throughout the book the author makes it clear that Olivia has SERIOUS trust issues especially with men, yet she trust every single word that came out of her dad's mouth and she readily believed her mom's lies.
5. The Police- So they pretty much brushed off Olivia's attempt to find her sister. Totally unrealistic, I mean at least they could have tried to get Lilly for "abandoning" her child--I mean technically Josh was a lost child and couldn't find his mom...pretty sure the police would be concerned about this.

To sum up This book is like a pimple on picture day ---> BAD!

--sorry I couldn't resist!