A review by gabesteller
Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America by Rick Perlstein


an aural sprint to finish this 39 hour audiobook in 3 weeks but i did itttttt. Rlly great audio experience actually, Perlstein writing is really sharp with a lot of humor which narrator was totally ~n-sync~ with. Anyway totally fascinating and eyeopening about the origins of the culture war and the sense of victimhood on the right, how fucking bananas the 60's were (way more bananas then now!) and just how different the politics of parts of country were (the Bernie of the 60's George McGovern was from South Dakota!).Also it was the age Minnesotans as prez candidates woohoo! Hubert Humphrey (who my grandma baby-sat for) and Eugene McCarthy (the good McCarthy!)

Admittedly gets a little bogged down in the intricacies of the campaigns but The rest was so good i forgive.
Moral of the story Vietnam was a crime and a humanitarian catastrophe and also rlly bad politics! War sucks dont do it ever! (ever!!!!)