A review by clockworkbook
Twilight / Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer


3.5 - Rambling thoughts ... I purchased the hardcover version of this originally in 2015 and immediately started reading. I then put it down after about 2 chapters, a DFN-for almost 7 years. Now, it is October 2022, I have this beast of a book, just finished another re-read of Midnight Sun and decided to try again with Life and Death. I alternated between reading and listening to the audiobook. The audiobook worked for me and I enjoyed the audiobook narration far more than my physical reading, which is unusual for me.

The reasons I initially DNF'd Life and Death still apply, I still feel as though it was just a search and replacement of gender, pronoun and names with very little else changed. I didn't get the emotional attachment to the characters, though the audiobook helped. I found the names and spelling of the names caused a disconnect that felt forced and other issues caused the overall story to not flow organically, in my opinion. Additionally, the ending was was definitely jarring.

Life and Death gives a gender-bending take on the story, and if you are giving it a chance, I would recommend the audiobook version. As I wanted the Twilight Saga audiobooks anyway, instead of buying Twilight alone, I purchased the dual edition.

October 2015 - Initial Read attempted/DNF'd after 2 chapters.