A review by danigsbooksmut
Merciless Spy by Heather Long


Merciless Spy - Merciless ending

The word merciless really does belong in the title of this book because Heather Long sure showed no mercy when she threw the cliff hanger of all cliff hangers at us in this book. I’m still trying to come to terms with the ending of the book and now I have to wait for the next one!!!

A fantastically written book where we see Hellspawn (et al.) really come into her own and open up to everyone about her experiences in the past and explore her sexuality and relationships with the rest of her men.

There are some wonderful growth scenes between multiple characters - Freddie in particular goes through a lot in this book. We meet ‘the King’ and have a very yummy Twin sandwich.

So many twists and turns and a must read part of the series!