A review by a_reader_obsessed
Thrown to the Wolves by Charlie Adhara


4.5 Stars

It’s been too long since I last read [b:The Wolf at Bay|39675787|The Wolf at Bay (Big Bad Wolf, #2)|Charlie Adhara|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1528870436l/39675787._SY75_.jpg|61270807], but time and distance have not dampened my love for Oliver Park and this latest entry, though extremely quite vexing, just reaffirmed his status in my top favorites once again.

So, a lot of werewolf dynamics are finally revealed, as well as Park’s past that is both surprising and sobering, obviously shaping the man he is now. Cooper finds himself smack dab in the middle of crazy shifter politics, shady rivalries, and a less than welcoming family that only wants the best for Park, and Cooper sure ain’t it.

Amongst the consistent super swoony love story that doles out its yumminess oh so slowly, Adhara continues to impress with the stellar mysterious going-ons threatening the very existence of werewolves that is hanging on a precipice of discovery. This kept me anxious and guessing til literally the bloody end, and I was held rapt.

Overall, this is top notch romantic suspense with a hell yeah paranormal bent to it. It’s smart, it’s sexy, it’s compelling. Oh and there’s alpha werewolf Oliver Park. Have I mentioned him before?? Gorgeous, beautiful inside and out, a man who is as solid and strong as he is vulnerable. Mmmm hmmmm. Cooper is understandably caught, and so am I.