A review by caylieratzlaff
Caste (Adapted for Young Adults) by Isabel Wilkerson


Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this novel. 4/5 stars.

I will preface this with saying I haven't read the Origins of Caste (what this is adapted on), so I can't compare it between the two; however, I did find this extremely enlightening and informative. While it does discuss race as a primary method of caste, it is also an intersectional approach (and a global one with comparisons). I learned new information, and it was refreshing to see intersectionality in a text.

Although I haven't read the original version, I'm not sure I would classify this as for young adults. I struggled at some areas to comprehend what was being discussed, and I had to go back and reread things multiple times. I also think the young adults in question would also need some necessary background knowledge and context.

Overall though, I really enjoyed it!