A review by kathydavie
Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione


First in the Demonica paranormal-romance series centered on a demon-run hospital under New York City.

The Story
A Seminus demon and a doctor with a degree from Harvard, Eidolon started up the Underground General Hospital creating a place where demons can safely come and get patched up. No questions. No judgments. That is until he meets Tayla. A Guardian with Aegis whose sole mandate is to kill demons. Eidolon's mission statement comes under the gun when everyone associated with UGH wants to kill Tayla. And that's before Tayla discovers that her own people want her dead too.

Poor Eidolon. He's torn between knowing he and his fellow demons are better off with an Aegis Guardian dead...and Tayla certainly doesn't hesitate to take him on. But he's about to go through his s'genesis when he meets Tayla and the emotional turmoil from that has Eidolon twisting in the wind.

My Take
I like this! Ione certainly provides a whole new look at demons with her characters, their motivations, and their interactions. With no apologies, Ione plunges us into a world of demons exposing us to their particular quirks with a very demonic outlook. It's weird to read of demons casually accepting so much of the behavior that occurs within Pleasure Unbound and yet it gets weirder still when we encounter the demon-doctor Eidolon and his moral certainties. As odd as it is, there is a very real feel to it as it promotes our own idea of how demons would behave while giving it a nicely moral and familial twist.

I do like Ione's insisting upon the Hippocratic oath applying to demons no matter what they did/do on the outside. It provides a nice parallel with the "real" world.

I'm anxious to read more about this demon hospital, how it runs, and how its patients and employees interact out in the "real world".

The Cover
The cover has, I'm assuming, a black-clad Tayla leaning back for a kiss with Eidolon with a blue metallic cast to the whole cover.

I'm not quite sure what the title, Pleasure Unbound, refers to as almost all of the pleasure is not very happy.