A review by edwarde3ddd
Here's Your Hat What's Your Hurry by Elizabeth McCracken


The Giant's House is still one of my favorite books. This collection, which came out first, demonstrated McCracken's gift at the short story as well. I had read a number of these stories before, but they continued to amaze. Other stories which were new to me were also wonderful. Many of her stories are full of misfits or people just on the fringe of society, but all portrayed sympathetically and not all that different than "the rest of us". I really enjoy when I think about several of the characters or the story days after reading it. This is the case for a number of these in this collection. I know that McCracken wrote a memoir in that last year or two, but I don't know how much she has been writing fiction in that same time. I would love to read more by her as both this collection and The Giant's House were certainly wonderful reads.