A review by xterminal
Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach by Mélanie Watt


Melanie Watt, Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach (Kids Can Press, 2008)

Watt's third Scaredy Squirrel book is as cute as the first two, though she's really kind of stretching the agoraphobia thing a bit here (is Scaredy, despite his careful planning, really going to have the guts to get all the way from his tree to the beach without having a nervous breakdown?). That said, the second half of the book tells me that Watt has had an ulterior motive all the way through this series, and that it's going to surface in the next book or two. Can't wait to see if I'm right. And as always, the story is simple and amusing and the illustrations are bright and easy to grasp; kids will get a kick out of these, and they have the re-readability factor that assures parents won't get tired of them when the kid asks for you to read it just one more time before being packed off to bed. *** ½