A review by thebritishbibliophile
Shades of Lust by E.M. Lindsey


'Forgive me fellow readers, for I have sinned. And it was oh so pleasurable.'

Thank you to Grey's Promotions for sending me an ebook Advanced Readers Copy for me to read and review. This is an honest and spoiler-free review of Shades of Lust by E.M.Lindsey.

This was the first book I've had the pleasure of reading from E.M.Lindsey, so aside from the subject matters, tropes and blurb of the book, as always with when I read an author for the first time I like to see how I vibe and read an author's works. Especially if an author has had quite a few, or even just a few, releases before I pick up one of their novels.

Before I review the book, I'm going to skip to the end and something that was a surprise to me as a first-time reader. Having simply dived into reading Shades of Lust, I did no know that E.M.Lindsey identifies as a non-binary author. As a reader and as an individual, I read by the content and comment on it rather than take note as to an authors' sexual identity. I was surprised to read this only because this is the first time I've come across a non-binary author, and I was blown away--in a good way--at how amazing their book was. Reading the 'about the author' made the book's content make so much more sense and I have SO much to say!

Huge respect for E.M.Lindsey for putting this out there for those readers like myself, who did not know about an author's sexual identity and I hope that in my first review leaving a review for a non-heterosexual author, I can address the author as their chosen pronouns respectfully and from here on out continue to do so for other authors.

Now, to the review!

I'm a reader of several steamy/spicy novels of many kinds, so this book immediately caught my eye right off the bat. And before seeing the cover too! What piqued my interest more than anything, was leaning that this book would have a LGBT theme running through it. I don't get to read as many LGBT novels as I'd like, and the last one I took a chance on was my first DNF of last year, so Shades of Lust was going to be a ride-or-die read and I'm pleased to say, I stayed for the ride and boy was it a good one!

There's so much that I want to say about this book, but most of it would contain spoilers so I'm going to be good and gush about the parts that aren't spoilers. Such as the main characters of 'Lust', aka Stone, and August Ashley. Stone was written to portray one of the seven deadly sins, Lust, and it was clear why almost immediately! He oozes raw power, control, desire and, well, lust from the page. Though his name is stone, underneath thanks to the kind, caring, innocent nature of August, he soon softens and the pair are a true match made in heaven. Pun intended. I loved these two so much, and I'm happy that I've stared reading a series from the beginning, because I'm looking forward to appearances by these two in the rest of the books in the series.

Shades of Lust was as it said on the cover, there was lust in all shades possible. Carnal Lust in the Carnal Tower. What made it hotter, other than the teachings of Stone as the physical representation of lust, was the emotional connection between him and August, who from the start had a giant metaphorical label that read 'forbidden to touch'. Well, we all know about the forbidden fruits we aren't allowed to touch. The taste is all the sweeter when we cave in and as Stone's walls caved and August learned the ways of a world he hasn't ever been in before, the two's slow burn emotional connection made the fires burn hotter than hell. Pun again, intended.

Lust satisfied my reading desires, but I'm still hungry for more. I look forward to reading each follow-up book in this series, because I am far than done with The Carnal Tower and its inhabitants.

Well done, E.M.Lindsey. You've got yourself--and the Shades--five sinful stars!