A review by bethreadsandnaps
Don't Look Behind You and Other True Cases by Ann Rule


I've read Ann Rule for decades. She has a great way of making even complicated true crime cases sound captivating. She connects with the victims and makes them very likeable.

For the past few true crime files, her passion for true crime seems to have diminished. It's almost like the author is going through the motions to fulfill a contract. She doesn't connect with the victims as well. There's not much background. The cases seem stale. Perhaps it's not Ms. Rule. Perhaps my reading interests have changed, and perhaps I'm only reading these out of duty and not out of curiosity. It's hard to tell, but I am more apt to think that Ms. Rule is starting to grow weary of her writing job, and her heart just isn't in it like it used to be. I'll take some responsibility for my interest level waning.

For example, when I used to read Ann Rule, I used to not be able to go to sleep because I'd be so creeped out. Reading this didn't really phase me. I didn't think about the cases after I put down the book. The cases presented didn't pique my interest to even look up one on the internet to find out other facts. They were very blah.