A review by meghjcollins
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher


 I saw this posted by LIFEINLAPVONA, and after immediately reserved at the library. Now, I've never read 'The Fall of the House of Usher' but I sort of want to now. This book was short and so so sweet, it was creepy and scary and genuinely really enjoyable. 

The hares?! THE 🐇 FUCKING 🐇 HARES??? 🐇(I got flashbacks of being swarmed by ducks as a child). 

The book is really well written, with descriptive language that paints a gothic picture, and there are subtle hints dropped throughout that stay in your mind and help you create your own ideas and plots. Also,
the bit at the end where Denton says about how they could have taken over and they don't know... maybe they have???? Kingfisher keeps me guessing.