A review by sandygx260
Cover of Snow by Jenny Milchman


Clunky, cliche-ridden writing, weird logic which strains any belief, and unappealing characters buried this book... in the snow the author SO loves describing to the point of the reader wanting to use a flame-thrower to create a meltdown.

Here's my main complaint with the writing; why is the novel written in first POV? Why? The beauty about writing first POV is the internalization of sensation, the luxury of description. For some reason, Milchman decides to ignore this option. For example, the MC Nora is hungry… she orders a sandwich, and devours it with gusto. What kind of sandwich is it? Nora really craves soup and slurps it down. What kind of soup? Nora drinks wine. What kind? There’s no personal detail, no sensation, just lazy writing stumbling along to another chance to describe snow or serious ice. Oh yeah, when Nora encounters snow or ice, descriptions abound.

No, I don’t buy the “she’s so numb she only feels alive when she’s cold” nonsense. Dat don’t fly here, kids. This is just plain bad writing.

The other characters are cutouts. I still don’t understand the Dugger character. There is one confused character.

Later in the book there’s a British character who ends every sentence with “luv.” Realllly? Seriously? Keep in mind this is not a comedy… in face, there’s not a breath of lightness due to…. drumroll, please… all that damned snow!

I usually don’t see the big twists coming, but this book signaled them, much like a bad ice skater who signals their big jump. “Lookee what I’m gonna do!”

The best part of this book was the rambling author's note at the end. I think she might have thanked her mailman. When Milchman freely admitted she doesn't do much research for her books, I nodded my head in agreement.

Her lack of research piles as high as, yes, the snowdrifts Milchman adores describing to distraction.

Nothing to see here, folks, put on the chains and plow past the snow to another more worthy book.