A review by lauraanne9
The Attraction of Adeline by Lisa Wells


***ARC Provided by the Author and IndieSagePR***

I really enjoyed the first book in this series...well series might be the wrong word, even though there are some recurring characters from the first book...so I had high hopes for this one. And, I can say they were mostly met.

Adeline was wonderful and you really like Jake. He is a good guy, but he loves Adeline, and that was fun. You like both of the characters, and you relate to why they are attracted and to the reasons that maybe they are not going to be able to work. The idea that it was started as a pretend engagement means they didn't really have those "what will your life look like in the future" conversations because they didn't need to. And, this added an interesting element to the story.

That said, I thought the resolution of the issues was too easy. Yes, love conquers all in a romance, but at the same time, there is a certain amount of liberty when you are an author to decide exactly how tall a mountain love will have to climb. And, in this one, I thought the differences in what he wanted in a wife and what she wanted for her future were too quickly and easily resolved.

That said, I did believe that Jack and Adeline really did love one another, so quick resolution or not, I believed in it at the end, and that is what really matters.

I recommend this book.