A review by shonaningyo
Burned Alive by Souad


Does this ever happen to you?

You're in a lull in time, bored, just thinking. And then your brain for no other reason than to be weird shoots a random memory or thought in your head. These little snippets are usually things like book or movie synopses.

It always happens to me. As an afterthought I was thinking about a book I read a few years ago about a young girl in the Middle East who was doused in kerosene and set on fire to protect her family's "honor".

So the day I am writing this, I was looking through my school library shelves and I found this! As soon as I saw the spine I was like, "I FOUND YOU!"


Okay onto the story.

This was a true account of the harsh, cruel, and totally UNFAIR treatment of women in certain societies. This takes place in Palestine, apparently. I always had the idea it was in a remote village in Afghanistan or something.. Does that make me ignorant? I don't care if it does.

Women in the Middle East like in Palestine--and quite a few cultures in Africa-- are considered less than a second class citizen. The modesty idea is taken to the extreme; women must work, work, work, work, work! "Don't take your eyes off the ground, you whore!" "Stop looking at that dude, you skank!" "Why can't you milk 300 goats in 20 minutes, you looseless wench?!" Basically that is the whole idea.



I've been seeing reviews that this book is apparently not a real memoir. Despite that revelation, I will maintain my score because I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Just because this may be fake does not mean that women are still not treated in this way and that honor killings aren't an issue; they still are.