A review by zombeesknees
Showgirls, Teen Wolves, and Astro Zombies by Michael Adams


Adams does a MASTERFUL job of plumbing the depths of cinematic depravity, laziness, and mediocrity in his search to find the worst movie ever made. Covering a wide array of genres and subgenres -- from horror to exploitation to gross-out comedy to vanity projects -- and sparing no expense or effort, Adams makes good on his pledge to watch AT LEAST 365 movies in the course of a year. While doing so, he manages to discover some forgotten gems lost in obscurity, and other pieces of dreck that should have remained forgotten.

This is a MUST-READ for any fan of B-movies, SyFy Originals, MST3K, *or* serious movie fan. Only by experiencing the worst can we truly appreciate the great -- and sometimes the "bad" movies provide much more entertainment than the award-winning and acclaimed.

Written with plenty of humor and healthy doses of both bile *and* respect, "Showgirls, Teen Wolves, and Astro Zombies" is great fun. A+, two thumbs way up.