A review by trudyd
Brash by Laura Wright


I am in love with the Cavanaugh Brothers. Thank goodness all three, (okay, four) are in each book. Brash, the third book in the series, is Cole's story. He beats back the guilt of living, while his twin is dead, as a UFC champ. Brash is so desperate to discover who killed Cass that he hounds Grace, the ex-sheriff's daughter. Lucky for him, she now wants to help. Grace wants, no needs, to clear her dad's name. Together, Cole and Grace, discover the name of Cass' stalker. They discover love for each other. The Cavanaugh brothers soon discover the mystery of "Sweet". The pieces are coming together. Ironically, it is Blue, the newly discovered Cavanaugh son, that collects the final piece. Welcome to the cliffhanger. We have to wait for Bonded in September if we want to know what happens to the killer. We have to wait until September to find out if Blue finally accepts his family, his life, and forgives his mother.