A review by bouldermimi
ArchEnemy by Frank Beddor


Read 12/27/2012

In this final installment of the Looking Glass Wars Trilogy, all of Wonderland (and Earth) find themselves without imagination after the detonation of WILMA (Weapon of Inconceivable Loss and Massive Annihilation) over the Heart Palace. Queen Alyss and Redd are also suffering the loss of imaginative powers, providing opportunities for those against Imagination to rise and take power. King Arch soon becomes the self-proclaimed King of Wonderland and his staunch supporters, the Clubs, have rounded up Imaginationers from all over Wonderland and placed them into camps for better observation and control. During a recon mission, Dodge Anders and Alyss are unknowingly captured by the Clubs and sent to one of these camps where they meet Mr. Dumphy who warns his imagination is returning. As Alyss and Redd wait for their imaginative powers to return, they become the unlikeliest of cohorts, promising to do what they can to overthrow Arch and live to fight another day.

This was a great story, full of action and suspense. Again I was more interested in Hatter Madigan, but the overall story was good and did the series justice. It was a good end to the trilogy. I am also looking forward to one day reading the Hatter series.