A review by court_sport
Peachy by Camri Kohler


What fun read!! There are so many things to love about this book!

The characters all feel very realistic and relatable. Ditto for the setting. These pages are chockful of people you either are or know well. Everything happens in places you've been before - that one store you always stop by, average houses on average streets where nothing weird ever happens. I felt so grounded within this story, like everything could be happening on the next street over with the people I walk by every day. Frankie and Ben are especially fantastic - I want to be friends with them both.

The witchy elements are really cool and well-crafted. And the horror? my god... I had to put this thing down during nighttime reads MULTIPLE times because I was getting way too freaked out to sleep. The body horror is graphic and so cringe-worthy in the best way. I do wish there'd been less violence towards animals, so if that's a trigger for you, you may want to watch out for this one. I didn't expect it and really struggled during some of those scenes. I KNOW it fits the earthy witchcraft elements, so don't come for me - I just wasn't a fan, ok??

I'm also just a huge fan of Kohler's voice. Her writing is so easy to read and flows really well. I struggled with the pacing in the beginning, but her style is captivating enough that I kept turning pages anyway. Then the action picked up and I was along for whatever ride she decided she wanted to take me on.

But honestly this book was a fun, wild ride. I never knew what was going to happen next. I loved the characters, I cared about the storyline, and I was plenty freaked out multiple times. I'll absolutely be keeping an eye out for the sequel.

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for review.