A review by sherpawhale
Opposed Desires by Katherine McIntyre


If I devoured the previous Rehoboth Pact, I positively inhaled this one; unsurprising, considering it incorporated my favorite trope of enemies-to-lovers. One week of a beachy summer getaway in a party town was the perfect amount of time for this shorter, lean romance.

The length is more akin to that of a novella than that of a novel, so the author wastes no time with anything that might distract away from the plot.

Player Aubrey (from Rehoboth Pact #1) who can't help herself chasing after any tail she sees meets her match in broody, enigmatic Selina, who is done with one-night stands and just wants a relationship. Both of them have issues with letting their guards down enough to trust someone else, and the natural progression of their relationship removed from the normalities of their daily lives was fun to see.

The thing I struggled with the most was that Selina was a smoker. As a non-smoker myself, I absolutely cannot stand the smell of it, so I had to take a moment to brace myself when Selina and Aubrey (a non-smoker) engaged in making out after Selina had smoked. But it only took a moment, not longer, so that speaks to the quality of the writing, and it was clearly more of a me thing than something that would be a detraction for everyone.

The other small thing that bugged me was that Katherine McIntyre seems to have a habit of constant nicknames a la "sunshine," "sweetheart," "babe," etc. shooting left and right out of each of the two leads. It was especially noticeable after having just read the first in the series; these names don't seem specific to each character, more a tic of the author's.