A review by quetzelish
Henni by Miss Lasko-Gross


Henni is an interesting read and one of the most recent graphic novel's that I've read that made me think more about the world around me, as well the belief's I hold. While not challenging them, Henni is a great introspection into the world of organized religion and entrenched belief systems. Through clever writing and beautiful drawings the story of Henni unfolds and takes her through various thoughts as she continually fights for herself and against the problems that she observes in the societies that she finds herself a part of.

There is one problem with this graphic novel and it is that it feels like only the first third of a greater adventure. There are no spoilers here but I will be talking about the structure of the ending. Henni is paced in such a way that when I got to the end, it left me without a feeling of closure and for a stand alone story that doesn't work so well. Unless this truly is only part one of a story, the book needed a couple more pages to give the feeling of the ending of this chapter in the character of Henni's life.

For me, the reader, Henni's story not having to be fully told, leading to an open ended ending is great. However, it should at least feel like this portion has been closed off for me as the reader and unfortunately that did not happen here. That being said this still is a great graphic novel to pick up and read. It will make you think and is well worth your time to experience, I'm certainly glad I read it.