A review by sayakel
I Am ARMY: It's Time to Begin by Courtney Lazore, Wallea Eaglehawk


I am an ARMY, albeit a baby ARMY. But reading through all these chapters of people, people, reliving their fandom experiences, people breaking stereotypes, people feeling the emotions, I seem to have felt merely moths ago, was a roller coaster of chills and goosebumps. It puts into my focus once again, just how big BTS is, and how genuine. The books also bring into life different perspectives from different parts of the world and are able to put to a paper substance I am sure people have found it hard to put into words. It's a glorious record of love, love, love, and a refreshing reminder to how music heals us, how ARMY is deliciously unique as a fandom and how beautiful the experience of being an ARMY is. From organising charity projects to finding ways to love ourselves, from mere existing to real living, I related to various little bits from each chapter. The way we learn from them, the way they seem to understand us and the way pain seems to be universal. It's not just BTS who must be credited, but it is also ARMY because we have found something worth fighting for, just as they found something so sublime. Our love brings us together, though it's something so much greater than love. This book was able to capture all of that, putting through technicolour lenses through the lives of everyone who was in it. I hope I get to write a chapter someday. My chapter of being an ARMY soon.