A review by user012006
Funny Story by Emily Henry



Maybe not because it was terribly sad or anything but sometimes (most times) Emily (we're on a first-name basis now babes) writes these characters that seem so much more than life. She gives them all these little quirks that I look at and think "AHA a character I can't relate to!". But then she writes these little problems and issues and scars that they collect and all of a sudden I'm slapped in the face with the realization that yet again I am reading an Emily Henry book where I can relate to both the main character and her love interest all too well. 

I could talk about a lot of things about this book, like how it really is a FUNNY story. There are parts where I'm laughing, parts where I'm going awwww, and parts where I want to yell at the other characters. And there parts where I feel like my heart is on the page, my blood is the ink, and my dearest Emily just split my brain open and said "Here. This is why you're scared, this is why you are the way you are, and you are okay. You deserve to be loved like this." 

In a way, this book healed some restless and fractured parts of me and I think it is beautiful that a book can do that. 

(Emily, if you're reading this, I'm still mad about the fact that I started crying.) (Not really, those are the best sort of books)