A review by rashthedoctor
Action Comics #961 by Stephen Segovia, Art Thibert, Dan Jurgens


I guess there's times when you really want to appreciate the old ways of something but are burdened with the sad stagnation, that's what happened with this issue .

I Really do appreciate the return of the old days of Superman, the pre new 52 Superman, back when you weren't named Flash to do super cool stuff but be always concerned about safety of the people first and destruction of the nemesis later. And Yet after praising this take by Dan Jurgens for the past 3 weeks i finally have to accept the drawbacks of his run in Action Comics here.

The Story just isn't moving forward , 5 issues back we came to know of 1 superman , 1 clark kent , 1 super-suited Lex Luthor and 5 issues later today we are nowhere close to finding out what the hell is going on .

Another really annoying issue for me is the presence of 1 superman too many, This is similar to me taking issue with the recent Flash Rebirth Run ,when you keep giving powers similar to your main protagonist to more that 1 person you are making your main protagonist look ordinary and that way it loses its charm . So when the whole Central city turned into flash i was bugged and now when there are 4 superman-esque heroes (including Superboy) and a furthur new addition in this issue , it's just getting too cramped and Superman is starting to look ordinary .

This issue in particular is something that's been a reccurent theme with most Rebirth title but the only one who seems to be pulling it off is Batman , and it's because Batman stories have been doing it for ages with Robin , Nightwing, Red Hood, etc etc. and besides Batman himself is nothing more than a human and he always does exceeds the expectation for a Human . Superman and Flash are supposed to be Superheroes but now they are starting to resemble ordinary characters and that's making them lose charm .

So no story progression, losing charm of hero. overstacked superbeings, still unsolved mysteries , basically i am rating 2 stars just for the cool art