A review by gingerliss
Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson


Anybody interested in any way at all in spirituality and/or the society we live in should read this book. It put into words many of the things I already thought but in a very easy to understand way, although I have to admit I didn't understand everything, yet, fully, but that isn't anything a second reading wouldn't correct. I feel that R.A.W.'s insights a very close to the way I feel about a lot of things, things both spiritual and societal. I find him to be very funny, and I always find humour a great way of explaining things, which is what he does, a lot. What I also like about this book is that he gives you the choice to either take what he's saying seriously or with a pinch of salt. A book I will definitely be rereading and a book that I would recommend to anyone with an open mind.