A review by everthereader
Sweetly by Jackson Pearce


This was the companion novel to Sisters Red. I would probably say it was better than the first book. I actually like Gretchen because she was willing to step up and defend herself rather then be scared her whole life. Samuel is a different type of love interest. Instead of being a normal guy he's an outcast in the town which creates a different relationship. I really was hoping that Gretchen and Samuel's relationship would just be an alliance and a friendship rather than a romantic relationship. Ansel wasn't as much of an important character. I saw him as her overprotective older brother who went through the loss of his other sister. Sophia was kind of a strange. There were times where I like her and then didn't trust then trusted her then hated her then felt bad, it was all over the place. In the beginning, I knew that she was up to something. I mean come on, Hansel and Gretel fairytale retelling, the "supposed" nice old lady who makes candy turns out to be an evil old lady who tries to bake two siblings in an oven for dinner. However, I knew that was pretty cliche so I was pretty suspicious. Turns out she wasn't trying to poison Gretchen and Ansel. She was a pretty sad character, to be honest. She was always sad but trying to cover it up by being very happy and bright (which I admit found to be creepy). But in the inside she was a sad mourning character, grieving for her father and sister. I did find her to be pretty weak. Instead of trying to save her sister she put other lives in jeopardy, desperate to get Naida back. Which is sacrificing a lot but honestly, I would be full of guilt, giving away so many girls lived for what? Just a slim chance that the Fenrirs would give back my own sister. There could have been so many better other ways. She could have got evidence that the Fenrirs were real and get help from someone. In the end, she was the real witch, but I was glad Gretchen forgave her. Because in the end, you should just forgive and forget and not hold grudges. :)

-Sue ☺☻♥