A review by taralpittman
New Uses for Old Boyfriends by Beth Kendrick


If you've ever read one of Beth Kendrick's books, I'm not going to tell you anything you don't already know: her novels are fun, smile and laugh-producing, and a great break in whatever you have going on (for me, it's government budget time!) from which you can appreciate a brief escape. New Uses for Old Boyfriends is certainly no exception; in fact, it was really fun for me because some of the lovable characters from Cure for the Common Breakup appear again and I felt like I'd picked up right where I'd left off.

Lily returns to Black Dog Bay with her tail between her legs and a really, really large SUV that she purchased just before her soon-to-be ex-husband cleaned out their bank account (she refers to it as the FUV); she's hoping for a respite with her mother, so that she can regroup and figure out what to do next, but she is greeted with one disaster after another. In addition, her old high school sweetheart has also returned to town to assist in his parents' business and her mother is completely hooked by the idea that Lily and Ben are "destined" to rekindle their relationship.

As is her forte, Beth Kendrick provides readers with some pleasantly predictable outcomes via entertaining twists and turns and irresistible characters along the way; certainly not for the high-brow reader, this story is light, funny, definitely suited to women who can relate to unforeseen disaster and a response that is both hilarious and heartfelt. This is a quick read and would be great for picking up with your morning coffee, taking with you on vacation, on your commute or whenever you have a few spare moments and would like to relieve some stress.