A review by pilgrimgossip
Widdershins by Jordan L. Hawk


This may have been my first ( am I gonna call it a historical romance?) historical romance.For the first half of the book I was under the mistaken belief that it was set in England, but it is not. The setting is America, but after having the characters in my head speaking with an accent for so long it was hard getting them to stop.

The plot was the driving force that kept me reading. I found it intriguing and that was enough to keep me coming back. This was not a 5 star book for me and that is probably because of the characters.I understand that being in the closet really fucks with your confidence and identity. Believe me, I can trace many of my problem thoughts and behaviours back to High school before I came out. I understand it was exponentially worse when this story took place. Realistically Percy is gonna be all kinds of fucked up. That does not mean I did not get really tired of all his self loathing. There's only so many times I can hear a character tell me he is ugly and awkward and doesn't know why Griffin would ever want to be with him before I'm starting to agree with him. Just why does Griffin fall for him. Percy and I both agree he could do better. (That's not to say I don't like Percy, I just didn't crush on him at all. like at all.

Griffin on the other hand is much easier to be attracted to. To be fair if readers were in my head all the time like we were with Percy, I can't say that the audience would like me very much either

Griffin and Percy could be sweet, but had very little actual chemistry. And don't even get me started on all the awful euphemisms for cock and ass I read. I know its mostly history's fault, the author was just working with what he had, but it still made me cringe.

The plot was good, the story kept me entertained and the finale was pretty exciting. But the couple lacks any serious heat. Like seriously.

3 and 1\2 stars