A review by mbt4
Gone by Lisa McMann


"There's just one more sorrow's dream to change."

'Broken' families come in different shapes and forms, with different degrees of severity. No matter what type of 'broken' family you come from or which "familiar circus of deformity", it still hurts. And the hurt is accompanied by feelings of loneliness, embarrassment, shame. And guilt. Guilt of the fact that you are embarrassed of your own flesh and blood (or who ever you consider your family).

Or to say in Janie's thoughts "Haven't you given me enough shit to deal with already?"

I have been patiently waiting for Janie's family situation and her feelings surrounding that to be brought into the spotlight. And I'm glad it finally was. It is a good knot to tie the trilogy together, and the novel somehow gives you an unwritten happy ending, because with some creativity you can imagine her future life. She made the right choice.

McMann's writing style still remains the same, but you get used to it. And compared to the first book the content was better and more youth appropriate (aka no nuditiy dream etc); and compared to the second book there was not as much focus on Cabel and Janie's relationship, which I enjoyed since it gave room to address Janie's family situation and the future to come.