A review by bookph1le
What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Fat by Aubrey Gordon


A little repetitive in parts, but an important work I wish I could make everyone read. Fat prejudice is one of the last socially acceptable prejudices, and it's imperative that society change. Diet culture affects us all, regardless of size, and the constant panic about obesity serves to distract us from systemic problems in our food system and in our healthcare system. After all, it's far easier to blame fat people than it is to do something about the subsidies corporations receive to make the foods that are making all of us less fatter. It's easier to say the problem is fat people than it is to ensure everyone has equitable access to affordable, nutritious foods. It's easier to fling abuse at fat people than it is to tackle the inequalities in our healthcare system, not to mention the obscene profits drug companies make on medications that promise so much while delivering so little.

In case the sarcasm escapes you, the problem isn't fat people. The problem is unfettered capitalism and a lack of government will to do anything about it.