A review by angelune
The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo


4.25/5 stars

i feel like the pacing of this book was a little off in that it was really hard to see where the plot was going till like a solid 40% of the way through.

also you can kind of tell that, at some point, leigh considered making it a series because of some hints of expansion riddled throughout the pages, but i also like that it ended up being a stand-alone, as i think the ending was perfect.

one thing that i do wish we got more of and i would have changed, are the moments between luzia and santángel that we were not able to see, we were just told about them. like the whole concept of their lessons and them bonding during those moments, i wish that actually happened in front of us, on the page, instead of just being given crumbs and 2 lines about them?

otherwise i did really like this book. one forte was valentina. such an interesting and complex character. i only wish that she had given hualit the same treatment. alas....

also, you cannot tell me that ending was not leigh's attempt at rewriting what could have been in ruin and rising!!!!!!