A review by dame_samara
Beast by Brie Spangler


The fact I did not DNF this book is a feat in itself.

This book feels like it could be used as evidence as to why the Manic Pixie Dream Girl is a toxic trope. But lets just pile on some more insensitivity to Mental Illness.

Then we have Dylan, he is the kind of character I think an AI would make after reviewing Nice Guys, Neck Beards, and Not Like Other Girls Subreddits. He is incredibly judgmental to every woman he sees, acts like he is better then everyone else, and has a lot of undealt with anger issues.
This boy desperately needs therapy and some actual (personal) growth.

The choice to fall onto what breaks down to a plot revolving around Trans Panic was honestly disgusting and insensitive when there are laws on the books that allow for that to be a defense. Which is made even worse when Dylan's reaction is then violence.

These are just the two that I can easily find words to describe but this book on a whole was egregious.