A review by tinumorien
The Great Witch of Brittany by Louisa Morgan


Thank you to NetGalley and Redhook Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I have not previously read any of Louisa Morgan's books but I have seen them around. I figured I'd be okay starting with this book as it's a prequel to the rest of her Witch series. I found this book to be an entertaining and easy read, for the most part, but I think it was lacking a lot of character background and motivations to make it a truly great read. I enjoyed that it was a female-driven story and I enjoyed that the main character's motivations were (mostly) not driven by the desire of a man. I found the writing style to be easygoing and simple (in a nice way).

But, the characters are very surface-level and we don't get to know most too well, aside from the main character Ursule. But even with Ursule, many of her motivations and reasonings are not explained - they are just the way they are. Especially surrounding her powers and witchcraft, there is little to no explanation about how any of it works, or why it works the way it does. It just kind of exists. I didn't feel connected to the characters, so I didn't feel for them in certain parts of the story when I probably should've. I found myself wondering a lot of the time why certain characters acted the way they did and I really feel that this lack of reasoning and understanding diminished the quality of the book.