A review by timitra
Crazed by Edie Harris


Rated 4.5 Stars

My love for this series keeps growing with each book, this is my favourite book of the series to date. It was well placed, well sequenced, action-packed and an all around great read. I loved the characters both main and secondary, I felt for them for all they went through to be together. I felt a myriad of emotions while reading Crazed, one minute I'm happy, the next sad, after that I'm angry then anxious, on the edge of my seat figuratively biting my nails can't wait to what happens next and finally bittersweet.

I thoroughly enjoyed enjoyed this book and I'm anxiously awaiting the release of the next one, Thrilled. I can already tell the wait will be a torturous. If you're a fan of Romantic Suspense I highly recommend this book and series, you won't be disappointed.

ARC provided by publisher through Net Galley