A review by a_ab
25 Days 'til Christmas by Poppy Alexander


This was a slow, boring, depressing slog with no redeeming qualities.

The author is dragging her poor character through every single mud pile known to mankind, and then, unsatisfied with the effect, starts dumping mud on top of her for good measure, all the while milking the sob story for all it's worth. But, apparently, all a struggling widow with a child on the autistic spectrum needs is... drumroll, please... - a boyfriend with a stable job and good connections. Ta-da!

I found that aspect the most depressing of the whole sob story lot. I am not even going to examine the implications of that "message". Yuck.

Oh, and the new boyfriend is only interested in her because he's been creepily fixated on her and watching her for over a year.... (shudder)

Hopefully, this nonsense is forgettable. The closer you examine the book and the more you think about it, the more revolting it gets.

I read it to try the new author. Safe to say, it didn't work out.