A review by mbfeeney
A Storm of Swords 1: Steel and Snow by George R.R. Martin


I actually think that, so far in the series, this has been my favourite book. I don't know why it felt different to read, but it seemed as if the chapters were shorter and the "voices" of each character's point of view was much stronger.

As with the 2 preceding books, this book is obviously building up to something, and I have to wait a couple of days before I can buy the next in the series to find out what that something is.

Still, my favourite character is Daenerys(closely followed by Jon Snow). Both of these are in their positions through no fault of their own, but are trying their damnedest to better themselves. Jon does seem a little more "why me" a times because of being a bastard which causes his birthright to be overlooked as the son of Ned Stark. Dany has overcome the control of her brother, lost a husband that she was scared of but grew to love, and is now in control of people of her own and trying to find a way to gain back the Iron Throne.

I honestly never expected to get sucked into this series in this way as I initially didn't like the TV Series, but as is usual for me, the books are better (even though the show is incredibly well done and very close to the books).

I have always been a fan of fantasy books such as these (my other favourite series are the Belgariad and the Mallorean by David Eddings), but many fantasy writers, for me at least, tend to overdo certain aspects of the genre. This series has the perfect medium for me.

I can't wait to get my hands on the next book!