A review by chanelchapters
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


New review

I didn’t love this as much as I did almost 20 years ago but it was still entertaining. It’s all about the reveals & connections plot wise for me.

It has been far too long since I last read a book that I was simply unable to put down, I am so happy I found this.

The plot is complex and full of murder, love, friendship, betrayal and everything in between. At times I did find myself wanting to rush through just to get to the end and know the truth, but it's worth the wait. Some books finish terribly and leave you irritated and feeling robbed o your time, this ending left me satisfied without taking anything away from the long journey I had just been on.

The writing captures your attention, as do the well written characters, each with their distinct voice.

Although there is happiness in this novel, I felt it was still enshrouded with sorrow.

At times the descriptions may become a little repetitive in all their gloominess but I still found that the story was fluid and kept you interested.

I hadn't heard of this book, I happened to read a short blurb which mentioned a 'Cemetery of Forgotten Books' and that idea alone grabbed my attention.

Overall, it isn't going to become a 'classic great' but it is an entertaining read.

Favourite line: There are too many to list, but here is one example - 'My father sighed, hiding behind the sad smile that followed him like a shadow through his life.'