A review by lady_epoh
First, We Make the Beast Beautiful: A New Journey Through Anxiety by Sarah Wilson


I’m not entirely sure why it took me so long to finish this book considering I liked it a whole lot. My assumption is I didn’t want it to end. I wanted to continue relating to and cracking up at Sarah Wilson’s remarks, and be serenaded by her sarcastic Aussie voice.

This book is beautifully articulate with words and feelings, it’s sad and hopeful and angry and delicately kind. It’s whole! I love Wilson’s emphasis on creating a “whole” life vs. a “happy” one. She accurately captures a lot of flaws in western culture.

I like how frequently Wilson references other prominent writers of both the past and present, including a few of my personal favorites, like Franz Kafka and Brené Brown.

I did have some qualms with this book, like her message of not “being true to oneself” when on medication. I actually find this to be dangerous, as quitting medication is often the reason those who are mentally ill relapse, and in severe cases psychosis occurs. There’s nothing wrong with being medicated, not everyone wants to raw dog reality smh Sarah.